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“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.”  – Louis Pasteur


At Boston Pioneers Academy, it is our intention to give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it deserves. We aim to provide an enquiry-based Science curriculum, which centres around carefully planned progressive concepts and skills. Our approach endeavours to harness the natural curiosity within each child; creating both a sense of awe and wonder; and developing respect for the world they live in. We intend to ensure that our pupils understand the important role of science in their lives now, in the past and for the future.

Implementation of Science in EYFS

Learners develop a range of scientific knowledge and skills during their time in EYFS, which act as building blocks for later learning in the subject.  Science in the Early Years is taught through the following areas of learning: ‘Understanding the World’ & ‘Personal, Social & Emotional Development’.

Our Early Years provision is carefully considered and set up to ensure that learners can make cross-curricular connections and practical activities and guided experiments are linked to our themes and designed to encourage exploration and intrigue. Our learning environment is key to enhancing independent learning in EYFS. We provide opportunities for our learners to question, wonder, explore, discover, experiment and observe through direct experiences. For example, growing plants allows them to notice similarities and differences and changes over time. Learners are introduced to scientific vocabulary to help them further their understanding and are asked open-ended questions, so that they can make predictions and have opportunities to question.

Implementation of Science in Year 1 – 6

At Pioneers Academy, we follow the National Curriculum for Science, using the PLAN primary science resources to plan and assess effectively. The PLAN matrices identify the key learning, vocabulary and working scientifically skills that the children need to acquire. Activities are then selected that will best support the children to become secure in the knowledge and skills.

Science is taught once a week as a discrete subject.

Throughout all science sessions our teachers will endeavour to embed key ‘Working scientifically’ skills through progression in each year group. They will do this by:

  • Encouraging learners to ask their own questions and be given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover answers for themselves.
  • Using precise questioning in class to both identify misconceptions and assess and expand conceptual knowledge and skills.
  • Differentiating clearly when planning opportunities for developing working scientifically skills to cater for the wide range of abilities within our classes.
  • Ensuring our learners are given opportunities to build upon the knowledge and skills developed in previous years; thereby enabling them to ‘know more to learn more’.

Key concepts are deepened over time as they are referred to throughout each progressive unit of work throughout the years so that they are regularly revisited.

Substantive knowledge builds progressively and is organised into the following three areas:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

Disciplinary knowledge builds progressively to enable learners to both think and work scientifically and covers the following aspects:

  • Making careful observations and using prior knowledge to answer questions
    Using a range of scientific equipment and measuring (observing over time; fair testing)
  • Planning and testing hypotheses
  • Data analysis (looking for patterns)
  • Using evidence to develop explanations and exploring the reliability of results.

PLAN Progression in Knowledge Overview (click here).

PLAN Progression in Vocabulary Overview (click here).

Oracy and Vocabulary – ‘Learning the words to learn.’

The correct use of scientific language is vital if we are to build successful scientists of the future. Throughout the Science curriculum learners are encouraged to use key words in the correct context and in full sentences to demonstrate their scientific understanding. Our development of scientific language is progressive and so learners build on this with each new unit of study.

Experiential Learning  – ‘I see and I wonder, I hear and I remember, I do and I understand.’

We endeavour to make our Science curriculum as practical as possible. When working practically, learners often work in groups, fostering teamwork and collaboration. Through discussions and sharing of ideas, they learn to communicate their thoughts effectively. Collaborating with peers also exposes them to different perspectives, enhancing their learning experience.

Raising Aspirations – ‘Beyond Boston’

We aim to expose our learners to the possibilities and opportunities available in the field of science, including the many career paths it may take them on.  Learners are taught about the impact past scientists have had on the world we live in today and about the role modern scientists can have on the world of the future.  They are encouraged to think about how the choices they make can have positive consequences, particularly with regards to the environment and the animal world.


We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW