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Personal Development

Positive Footprints Careers Education

Positive footprints is all about raising aspirations and opening up the world of work to young people. It shows children what careers are out there and the skills that they will need to leave a positive footprint wherever they go in life. 

It is also focused on building their self-belief; developing their resilience; and recognising their qualities and how these could be used in the workplace.  

Although this is a relatively new addition to our curriculum offer, we have had amazing feedback from the learners who have experienced it. 

As part of the programme, our learners have regular 'careers conversations' with people from a range of businesses, During one such event our learners got to meet Emma King who told them all about the application process to become an astronaut at the European Space Agency!

During Summer 2025, we will also host our first 'Careers Carousel', where people from a range of local businesses and workplaces will come to the academy to not only explain what skills they look for when employing people, but also to review the learners' CVs and host mini-interviews.

Boston Pioneers Academy...Inspiring young people today for a better tomorrow!


Primary - Positive Footprints

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW